Sweet Grown Alabama Summer U-Pick Flower Farms
Stop and Smell the Local Flowers
June 19, 2024
There is just something special about picking your very own bouquet of fresh smelling flowers to set in the center of the kitchen table for all to see. Alabama has ideal conditions for growing and is home to several types of fresh cut flowers. While you may not be able to find specific flowers year-round like the ones that are imported from other countries, when you buy local, you know exactly where your flowers are coming from.
When visiting a Sweet Grown Alabama cut flower operation you will notice a stark contrast to imported flowers, which arrive at the florist or retailer a week after cutting. Picking your own flowers is also better for the environment. Transportation accounts for 29% of greenhouse gas emissions, which are reduced by local purchases.

Photo by The Sunflower Field
Bennett Farms- Heflin
Address: 1073 County Road 13, Heflin, AL 36264
Bennett Farms has beautiful wildflowers, zinnias and sunflowers available for $10 per Bennett Farms cup! Feel free to fill it up with as many as you would like! During u-pick times attendees can also enjoy dinner from their old school cookhouse. With free admission and parking you can enjoy a family night at the farm.
For details and u-pick dates/times: Bennett Farms on Facebook
Bent Creek Farm- Piedmont
Address: 435 Century Road, Piedmont, AL 36272
Bent Creek Farm hosts u-pick flower events throughout the summer. Give them a call at (256) 283-0287 to check on picking times. If you're not looking to pick your own, stop by the Little Farm Store to purchase beautiful arrangements.
For details and u-pick dates/times: Bent Creek Farm on Facebook
Berry Hill Farm & Vineyard- Greenville
Address: 6934 Luverne Highway, Greenville, AL 36037
Zinnias and sunflowers are currently ready for u-pick at Berry Hill Farm & Vineyard! Reach out to them at (334) 467-1046 to check on picking times. While there don't forget to get your picture taken with Fred the Sasquatch.
For details and u-pick dates/times: Berry Hill Farm & Vineyard on Facebook
Grand Oaks Farm- Fort Payne
Address: 1019 County Road 603, Fort Payne, AL 35968
U-pick events are scheduled throughout the summer, reach out at (256) 697-0465 to check on picking times. Admission for the lavender field is free with $15 for u-pick. If you would like to attend for a picnic or to take pictures but not pick flowers, you can purchase a "just visiting" ticket for $5 at the gate.
For details and u-pick dates/times: Grand Oaks Farm on Facebook
Greenhorn Flowers- Kinston
Address: 1185 County Road 464, Kinston, AL 36453
U-pick is self-serve and based on the honor system. U-pick will be open June 26-June 30 and potentially other dates depending on the weather. The cost is $20 for a 22 ounce cup full of stems! Check Facebook for latest updates.
For details and u-pick dates/times: Greenhorn Flowers on Facebook
Flowers to Bless- Camp Hill
Address: 3279 County Road 54, Camp Hill, AL 36850
U-pick is every Saturday morning or evening, depending on weather and flower cooperation. The price is $25 to fill a cup with freshly harvested flowers to take home and arrange for yourself or as a gift for someone else. Must RSVP through Facebook to reserve your spot.
For details and u-pick dates/times: Flowers to Bless on Facebook
The Flowering Farmhouse- Moulton
Address: 526 County Road 251, Moulton, AL 35650
RSVP is required to attend to ensure there are enough beautiful flowers for everyone to enjoy. Call or text (256) 410-6547 to reserve your spot today. $5 admission for adults, children 12 years of age and younger get in free. U-pick is $10 for a pint sized mason jar and you can fill the mason jar with as many blooms as you like!
For details and u-pick dates/times: The Flowering Farmhouse on Facebook
The Sunflower Field- Autaugaville
Address: 3301 Highway 14 West, Autaugaville, AL 36003
Open now through around July 8, The Sunflower Field has beautiful sunflower views and u-pick zinnias. A bucket of sunflowers is $12 for 14 stems, or $1 per stem. Wagon rides are also available. Check for bloom updates on Facebook.
For details and u-pick dates/times: The Sunflower Field on Facebook
Mehearg Farms- Wetumpka
Address: 740 Flatwood Road, Wetumpka, AL 36092
Mehearg Farms is open everyday daylight to dark while flowers are still blooming. You can pick 15 flowers for $10, just be sure to bring your own cup or basket to fill. To capture those insta-worthy pictures, there is a $25 professional photographer fee in addition to flowers you pick.
For details and if flowers are still blooming: Mehearg Farms on Facebook

Photo by Bennett Farms
Picking your own flowers ensures you get a fresh bouquet at its peak. No more imported flowers dying two days later when you purchase from a local farmer. To find more local flower farmers to support visit SweetGrownAlabama.org.